Positive social work groups
Facilitated Groups for social workers
Would you like to be part of a group of social workers and health and social care professionals using positive psychology to help you to stay motivated and energised while managing the challenges of your work? Do you sometimes struggle in the face of high caseloads and emotional demands? Would you like space to connect and take stock with like-minded professionals in a supportive environment?
I am a social worker, positive psychology coach and resilience practitioner. I coach and train social workers, social care professionals and social work students to feel energised and purposeful at work. What I have found is that social workers really value having scheduled time to raise their heads from their desks to think about what truly supports them, and then to be encouraged to nurture this.
I offer regular, facilitated reflective groups for social workers to come together and collaborate to create a nourishing space, where we can articulate what is going on for us and be heard. I draw on my experience as a positive psychology practitioner to lead stimulating sessions where you can not only offload the emotional challenges of the work but also think about what helps you to put it into practice. You will have the space to ask yourself: how can I make a difference on a daily basis to my ability to ride the waves at work, so that I feel energised and enlivened rather than drained?
Each session draws on a theme from the fields of positive psychology and resilience research. There is a short presentation which acts as a springboard for reflection and discussion. One participant commented: 'It's great to have this space outside of work where I am not responsible for anyone but myself'.
The group meets every fourth Thursday of the month. The first session for this series of sessions is Thursday February 23rd.
What time?
Start time 7pm, finish time 8.30pm
Via Zoom. You will be sent a Zoom link once you have purchased your ticket.
How much?
£10 per session plus Eventbrite fees
If you are a student social worker the first three sessions are free.
So why not try one? Have a look at the topics we will be covering. Is there anything there you would like to know more about? Do you think your resilience could do with a top up?
Session 1 Thursday 23rd February
Sometimes we are our own worst critic, and this can lead to negative thoughts that loop over and over and drain our resources. How can we engage with our compassionate side and tame the inner critic so that we can thrive? In this session we will consider the three aspects of self-compassion: Self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness.
Session 2 Thursday 23rd March
Cultivating positive emotions
What good are positive emotions in managing stress and building the life we want? As social workers we can sometimes feel bombarded by the distressing material we deal with day to day. This can a fuel a negative mindset where we forget to hunt the good stuff and our energy and motivation can suffer. Science shows us that actively cultivating positive emotions can help undo the physiological harming effects of negative experiences, can develop cognitive broadening which can help us to problem solve more effectively and creatively and can develop personal resources that help us manage better in the future. This session will explore the science of positive emotions and then ask… how can we build positive emotions more concertedly into our lives?
Session 3 Thursday 27th April
Identifying and using strengths
Strengths-spotting is an energising intervention we can use to boost optimism and motivation. It is a key positive psychology intervention. We will look at what the science says and try it out in the session. Be prepared for some fun!
Session 4 Thursday 25th May
Cultivating high quality connections
Research shows that one of the key elements of a flourishing life is the quality of our relationships with others. High quality connections with colleagues at work boosts the energy, vitality and effectiveness of organisations. This session asks: how can we strengthen our relationships with others to bring more energy and engagement into our working lives?
Session 5 Thursday 22nd June
ACT for resilience
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a well-established psychological intervention. In this session we will be looking at how ACT can help us to think about psychological flexibility, a key element of emotional resilience.
Session 6 Thursday 27th July
Positive movement
In this session we will look at the science of how movement can enhance psychological wellbeing, relationships, health and creativity and explore how we can bring more of it into our lives.
Sessions are on the fourth Thursday of the month. First session of this series is on February 23rd February 2023. Start time: 7pm Finish time: 8.30 pm
Via Zoom.