Initial consultation
I offer a free 30-minute consultation where we can get to know each other. You can find out more about coaching and I can find out more about you and what you want to work on. We can decide together which of the packages I offer would suit you best and talk a bit about how we would set up the contract between us.
60 minute standard session – £70
This is the standard session, where we would work through a particular issue and come up with a plan by the end of the session. You may find a single session is all you need to clarify your thoughts around a particular issue or you may want to book a series of sessions and commit to more lasting change and deeper reflection.
30 minute check in session – £40
This is a check in or top-up session where you may have already had a number of sessions and, following a break, want to reconnect and think in a focussed way about progress and direction.
Package of six sessions – £350
This is for someone who wants to commit in advance to a series of sessions and wants to make real progress towards a longer-term goal.
What is included?
Each coaching session will draw on what you bring to help you gain greater clarity about how you relate to difficulty and offer different ways to approach and frame problems giving you renewed energy, enthusiasm and tools for tackling challenge and making change. .
Package of six sessions, structured £350
This is for someone who wants to explore the basics of resilience and positive psychology in a more structured way. At the end of this series of sessions you will understand the biology of stress and theories of resilience. You will be equipped with a wide range of tools to help support your background level of emotional health as well as strategies to use when feeling overwhelmed. Professional social workers are expected to ‘routinely promote wellbeing at work and self-care for[themselves].’ (BASW, Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) This course will help you to fulfil this expectation. These sessions are 1-1 and usually spread out over 6 weeks but can be taken at a slower pace.
Students and Universities
I provide training to social work students in emotional resilience. Sessions explore interventions to boost students’ underlying level of emotional resilience as well as tools to use in the moment when faced with overwhelm. Students are encourged to develop their own resilience toolkits to support them throughout their professional careers. Content includes exploring the four pillars of emotional intelligence:
Emotional self-awareness
Emotional engagement
Emotional self-regulation
Emotional recovery
Participants learn about the biology of fear and the neuroscience of the resilience zone and are introduced to various emotional capsize drills including: the three step breathing pause, the five sense check-in and the ABRAH approach.
Participants will also be introduced to other self-steadying practices to use when the initial urgent challenge is over. These will include: mindfulness practices, expressive writing, gratitude practice, distraction and cognitive reappraisal. Contact me to find out more.
Facilitated reflective groups for social workers
This is an opportunity for social workers to participate in a reflective group to share the emotional aspects of life as a social worker. We will explore resilience tools and strategies as well as some positive psychology interventions and mindfulness exercises. More importantly, the group will be a space to witness each other’s experience and create a collaborative listening environment where we can think clearly about how the work we do impacts our emotional health and from there craft our personal resilience toolkits.
The reflection that you do in this group will support your professional development and can be used as part of your CPD requirement for registration with Social Work England.
The group accommodates up to 10 social workers and meets monthly. Sessions are £10 each or £40 for a series of 6. Please use the form on the Get Started page to book.
Emotional First Aid workshops for teams
This is a three hour workshop where we look at positive psychology and mindfulness interventions to boost your background level of emotional resilience as well as introduce you to tools to use in the moment when faced with overwhelm. For teams of up to 20.
HR and organisational development.
I also work with HR and organisational development teams to provide tailored positive psychology and resilience workshops and courses for staff teams. Contact me to find out more and to discuss your organisation’s needs.
contact form
Reduced rates available for a limited period. See here for details. Email me using the form above to find out more.
Fourth Thursday of the month, starting 23rd Feb 2023. Start time: 7pm Finish time: 8.30 pm
Via Zoom.